Remember: In September, we launched a call for projects to give researchers the opportunity to become early users of SimOïko, our ecological modeling software.
The verdict is in: here are the seven selected projects, both in France and internationally.
BiodivConnect: This consulting firm, founded by Caroline Dequidt-Kebaili, will use SimOïko for a conservation program focused on four butterfly species in the Jura region. The software will complement existing genetic flow models by simulating the movements and demographic dynamics of individuals.
Zarand Association, Romania: This group will conduct a study on the functionality of a critical bio-corridor in the Southern Carpathians, an area vital for large carnivore species. SimOïko's results will help improve the ecological connectivity of the corridor.
Groupe Ornithologique du Roussillon: This organization applied for support in its conservation program for the Southern Festoon, a rare and protected butterfly species found mainly in the Fenouillèdes region of France. SimOïko will assist with an ambitious scientific study component.
Qonfluens Consulting: Founded by Virgile Baudrot, Qonfluens plans to use SimOïko for research on chemical pollutants and their transfer through trophic networks (food chains). The software will help model population dynamics of small mammals and their predators near a polluted industrial site.
Chadian Wildlife Foundation, Chad: Represented by Baudin Fekoua, this foundation will conduct studies on giraffe populations (Zakouma National Park) and hartebeests (Siniaka Minia National Park). The goal is to test scenarios of population evolution in response to climate change adaptability.
Léone-Alix Mazaud: Currently pursuing a doctoral thesis (Mines Paris – PSL and PCA-STREAM), Léone-Alix will use SimOïko in her research on integrating biodiversity into urban and architectural design. The software will aid in creating soundscapes by determining the species to be included, as well as in architectural planning for an urban project.
Jérémie Solère: Also engaged in a PhD project (Grand Port Maritime de Marseille – Port de Marseille Fos and UMR G-eau), Jérémie is evaluating ecological compensation measures within an industrial port area. SimOïko will help define the relevant geographical scope for his research.
Thank you to all the applicants, and we look forward to seeing the results of these exciting projects!